It is a sad state of affairs when someone like Marcel Morin believes that the president is “A dangerous man” (Sun Journal, Oct. 28).

I am afraid he has been listening to the Republican attack machine and their smear campaign against the Affordable Care Act and all the other Obama endeavors to improve people’s situations.

“Obamacare” is the law of the land and offers an opportunity for people who have no health insurance to obtain it and thus to improve their lives. Health is more important than wealth.

If all the people who are spending so much time and energy trying to destroy the law would concentrate on fixing it, I believe it would work for the benefit of millions of families.

For the past 80 years there have been attempts to provide a workable health care program to no avail. Many have suffered and many have died, especially due to lack of preventive care.

Barack Obama is a caring compassionate man. The truly dangerous ones are the Koch brothers and their ilk who are in the process of buying control of the government — which would be the worst government for the nation that money could buy.

There are those of us who remember what the Androscoggin River was like 50-plus years ago. I believe the Koch brothers and some other conservatives want to abolish environmental laws. They turn a blind eye to and deny air pollution, something future generations will certainly lament.

Nancy Willard, Woodstock

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