RUMFORD — Danny Garneau would have graduated with of the class of 2011. Unfortunately, his life was cut short by a courageous battle with leukemia. But his memory lives on at Mountain Valley High School with an annual homecoming event, Duct-Tape for Danny.

Members of the National Honor Society use the event to raise money for the Danny Garneau Scholarship. But this year was a little different. First, they added a new aspect to the fundraiser. Second, this was the first year that none of the students at the high school were there with Danny.

NHS member Caleb Gauvin explained, “In the past, we’ve duct-taped either the principal or vice principal to the wall in the gym. This year we added a new dimension to the fundraiser.”

“Five faculty members ‘volunteered’ to be considered as candidates for the taping,” Elizabeth Adley said. “Mr. Baker, Mr. Cayer, Mr. Danylik, Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Wylie were the candidates. Students and faculty voted by placing money in the container with the person’s picture on it.”

Special education teacher Tom Danylik won the honor of being taped to the wall with $107. Science teacher Ken Baker was a distant second with $48. There was no mention of the money raised with votes for Assistant Principal Al Cayer, Principal Matt Gilbert or science teacher Tom Wylie.

While the voting was taking place, NHS members sold lengths of duct tape. They had to sell enough to make sure Danylik stuck to the wall when the stool was removed.

The taping took place during the Homecoming Pep Rally.

NHS adviser Dotty Peters said, “While the students were taping Mr. Danylik to the wall, the kids in the bleachers spontaneously started chanting. At first, I couldn’t understand what they were saying. It was ‘Danny Garneau, Danny Garneau!’ He would have really liked that.”

The fundraiser earned $350 and honored the memory of a remarkable student.

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