FARMINGTON — The RSU 9 school board’s Policy Committee will review a draft policy on the use of the new Bjorn Auditorium and Presentation Forum at the Mt. Blue Campus.

The policy has been tried and tested over the last 13 years at Marshwood High School in South Berwick and works very well, Superintendent Tom Ward told the board Tuesday. Ward was formerly principal of that school.

The policy would put procedures in place to use the auditorium and forum. Among those procedures would be submitting a building use form at least two weeks in advance of the scheduled event. The forms would need to be approved by the high school administration.

Priority use would be given to Mt. Blue High School and Foster Career and Technical Education Center and its associated programs. Second priority for use would include all other public schools in the district.

Other categories of use to follow the priorities are nonprofit organizations within the 10 towns of RSU 9, nonprofit organizations outside the towns and for-profit organizations.

Those who lease the facilities would need to provide a certificate of insurance for up to $1 million covering the period of the contract if required by the facilities manager. The insurance will name the school district as an additional insured.


“Generally, a certificate of insurance will be required if a fee is charged for public entertainment and the event is not sponsored by a local school organization or town government” within the district, according to the proposed policy.

A rental deposit of 25 percent would be required for nonprofit and for-profit organizations.

No rental fees would be required for Mt. Blue High School or a Mt. Blue Regional School District affiliated nonprofit.

The rental rates for community nonprofit for the auditorium and forum are proposed at $100 for up to 10 hours. For other nonprofit groups, the rental fee is proposed at $300 for the auditorium and $200 for the forum for up to 10 hours. Anything beyond 10 hours for both groups will be billed at a prorated fee.

For both types of groups, the dressing room and rehearsal room charges are $25 each, according to the policy chart.

The cost for custodians on holidays and weekends would be $25.53 an hour per custodian.


The cost for the theater manager, which is required for audiences of 100 or more, is $30 an hour. Technicians, including tech clubs, will cost $30 per hour. Piano rental fees are $50 per day for the grand piano and $25 per day for the upright piano.

The piano moving fee is proposed at $100.

There would be no seat surcharges when applicable.

The proposed cost for a for-profit entity is $1,000 to rent the auditorium up to 10 hours, $500 up to five hours. The forum rental fees would be $900 up to 10 hours and $400 up to five hours.

The other costs resemble the nonprofit group prices, except there would be a 50-cent per ticket surcharge to be added if there is an admission fee for the for-profit groups.

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