LIVERMORE — Two residents and an RSU 73 director have volunteered to serve on an ad-hoc committee to look into options educating the town’s children.

Appointments to the committee will be made at the next Board of Selectpersons meeting at 7 p.m. Oct. 21 at the Town Office.

Residents James McDonald and Clint Boothby, a former SAD 36 director, have volunteered to serve, town Administrative Assistant Kurt Schaub said.

RSU 73 Director Cindy Young of Livermore has also agreed to serve on the committee, he said.

SAD 36 merged with Jay in 2011 to create RSU 73, which serves students in Jay, Livermore and Livermore Falls.

The board is hoping to have 10 members on the committee. They would like to see someone from the education community on it, Schaub said.


Anyone interested in serving on the panel is asked to contact the Town Office at 897-3207.

Selectpersons voted in September to get financial information on withdrawing from RSU 73.

It is a preliminary exploration looking at education options, Schaub said. No decisions have been made.

The board met with the town’s representatives to the RSU 73 Board of Directors on Oct. 7. Besides Young, Diane Gould and Tim Madden represent the town on the board.

“All agreed that looking into the town’s education options is a worthwhile effort, particularly given public skepticism that the arrangement may not have been in Livermore’s best financial interests,” Schaub said. “They noted the kids seem to be adjusting well to the combined district, and are pleased with the larger variety of courses and other educational opportunities they didn’t have before.”

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