JAY — The RSU 73 board heard concerns Thursday night that only one guidance counselor and one guidance secretary are available at Spruce Mountain High School to serve 471 students.

“Last year there were two (of each). Is there anything in the short term?” teacher Rob Taylor asked. “I’m concerned about all the work to be done.”

The newly merged high school had had two guidance counselors lined up prior to the beginning of class. However, one left his position shortly before classes began.

SMHS Principal T.J. Plourde said he has a candidate with whom he is discussing the options.

“I should have an answer by Tuesday,” he said. “We have had a substitute secretary in at times. We are in dire straits.”

In other matters, the board awarded the contract for plowing snow and providing sanding at all district properties for the upcoming season to Jean Castonguay Logging and Excavation Inc. of Livermore Falls at a cost of $85,000.


Superintendent Robert Wall said the firm has plowed and sanded the district for the past two seasons for the same cost.

He said that although his office had sent out bid packages to several companies, only Castonguay returned the paperwork with a bid. He said the district’s transportation supervisor also spoke with Castonguay to try to get the bid lowered.

“(Castonguay) felt the figure was fair,” Wall said.

A majority of the board approved hiring the firm, but first Diane Gould, a Livermore representative, and board Chairwoman Denise Rodzen of Livermore Falls commented that the price was higher than they had wanted or expected.

Wall reported that 64 students from SMHS are now also enrolled in a Foster Technical School vocational program.

Board members said they want to tour the new vocational center as well as Mount Blue High School, which recently has completed a major renovation. Wall will set up a time for that tour.


Also on Thursday, the board:

* Accepted the resignation of Josh Albee as an educational technician at the high school’s Crossroads program.

* Appointed teacher Dan Labonte as the SMHS chorus director.

* Delayed action on insurance and other matters related to allowing students to take home their assigned computers until more information is gathered. Wall did offer parents of these students a chance to purchase a private insurance policy.

The board will continue with its series of forums designed to gather information from community members on how to improve student education. The next forum is set for 6 p.m. Oct. 15 at Jay Elementary School.

Similar forums will be held monthly. The first was held at Livermore Elementary School last month, when a survey was distributed that is hoped will help school administrators and teachers have a better idea of what parents want.

Wall said 32 completed surveys have been returned. They are still available to pick up at the Central Office or one of the district’s schools. The results will be among the issues discussed at the Oct. 15 forum.

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