Biographical information


Richard L .White

Office Sought

Lewiston City Council, Ward 5

Home Street Address


232 Blake St Apt.2 Lewiston, Maine 04240

Campaign Phone Number


Campaign Email Address

Facebook page

Twitter Account


YouTube Channel

Occupation or primary source of income

Single parent


Bangor Adult Education; Eastern Maine Technical College; Beals Business College



I’m a single dad of two six-year-old twins, a boy and a girl. We’ve lived in this neighborhood for the past five years. The children go to Longely School, and we are very active within the community.

Public offices sought or held?

I have been fighting for this neighborhood for the past couple of years. I have been involved in several group efforts in helping improve the quality of life here in Ward 5. I feel that the best way I can really make a difference, is by running for City Council. There is a need for someone who has the ability to listen to other peoples concerns, and address them. The people in Ward 5 deserve to be heard. They deserve action. They deserve a champion. I am that champion.

Civic organizations

Former Block Captain of Neighborhood Housing League, Lewiston Unites: Longley School Parent Advisory Group; Longley School Parent Volunteer

Ice breakers


What is your favorite food?

Beef. It’s whats for dinner

What is your favorite movie?

“Star Trek : Nemesis:” I have always been a Star Trek fan.

What is your favorite book?

Tom Clancy is actually my favorite author. So I try to read his novels every chance I get.


What is the best political advice you have received?

Do not make promises you can’t keep.

What Maine political figure do you admire most?

I honestly never really thought about it, but Olympia Snowe, George Mitchell, and Bill Cohen were always quick to help me out with issues in the past and their staff really listened.

Local politics

What has Mayor Robert Macdonald done during the past two years that you agree with? What has he done that you disagree with?


First of all, he really wants to improve things. He has taken the time to listen to all sides. Like he said, we have to not only focus on the positives, but we have to focus on the negatives as well.

However, he has often times singled out low income families as the cause of Lewiston’s woes. I have also heard him say many times that we don’t have funds and therefore we can’t do anything. I do not agree with this, there are solutions and we need to implement them.

What has the city council done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

There has been changes made to safe demolition practices. That’s good. However, there has been a total lack of accountability that is running in city hall that really needs to change. We have spent a lot of time talking about issues around Ward 5, we all acknowledged that these are legitimate issues, but what is being done? There is a lot of potential for development within Ward 5 that we are losing out on, simply because nothing is being done.

What has the city administrator and the city staff done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

They have attended forums to hear the community express their concerns. They have even spoken to us about what the current situation is. I also appreciate the great working relationship I have with city staff. They all really want to address issues, and they have been very cooperative with my efforts to find the solutions.


General Assistance really needs to be revamped. The workfare program really needs overhauled, and certain practices are unfair, and needs to be addressed.

What has the school committee done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

Keeping the school districts the same was what the people really wanted. The very fact they listened was impressive.There is still more to be done. I haven’t had a chance to look over the budget yet, but I feel that there should be an even balance among schools along with a common curriculum.

What should be done with Bates Mill No. 5?

To be honest, that is an issue I need to study before making a decision. I think either way, the development potential is there, and we should take full advantage of it. Jobs are badly needed here, and we really need to utilize all of our opportunities now. We also need to make it attractive to businesses to come to Lewiston, and for these businesses to actually hire the majority of their employees locally.

Any last words?

I am here because I can make a difference. I share the same issues here in Ward 5. I have been fighting for this community and will continue to do so. I am here talking with people. I see what is happening around here, and I know we need to act now. The time has come for action. We need to restore pride within our community and it will take everyone’s part. I believe in accountability, and that everyone should be held accountable for their actions. There are solutions — some easy, some kinda long term — and I want to see them implemented.

Election coverage:

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