Biographical information


Mike Lachance

Office Sought:

Lewiston City Council, Ward 7

Home Street Address:


183 Rosedale St.

Campaign Phone Number:


Campaign Email Address:

Facebook page:


Twitter Account:


YouTube Channel:

Occupation or primary source of income:

Design/Marketing/Production at Neokraft Signs since 2006. Owner of Central Maine Photo Services (Photo restoration film scanning, printing etc.)



High School Diploma (1987) majoring in Photography & Publication Production. Associates Degree / Specialized Technology (1993) Drafting & Computer Aided Design


Married 10 years this upcoming May. Father of two children ages 18 and 6.

Public offices sought or held?

Seeking City Council Ward 7 seat. Currently a full member of the Lewiston Zoning Board of Appeals.


Civic organizations:

Ice breakers

What is your favorite food?

I am a culinary adventurist, but for some reason still haven’t found Brussels Sprouts to be appetizing. Maine comfort foods seem to be my weakness. Cretons, Toutaires, Baked Beans, Salmon Pie, Indian Pudding, all of which I enjoy making from scratch… and of course Moxie.

What is your favorite movie?

While I do not have a “favorite” movie, I do have a rather long list of great films I enjoy, mostly classic stuff. Check the Facebook page if this is of interest.


What is your favorite book?

“Wings of Morning”, by Thomas Childers. One of the best researched non-fiction books ever written. Look it up!

What is the best political advice you have received?

Listen to your constituents! No Question there.

What Maine political figure do you admire most?

Percival Baxter. No one else in Maine history has ever given (or could ever give) so much to the people of Maine than he did. We need more Baxters.


Local politics

What has Mayor Robert Macdonald done during the past two years that you agree with? What has he done that you disagree with?

Both Mayoral Candidates have a record as Lewiston Mayor. Larry Gilbert’s approach to issues is to try “Smiling” problems away. Bob Macdonald has shown a propensity to dive at Lewiston’s problems like a kamikaze pilot.

The problem with “Smilin’ Larry’s” approach is that problems are not solved, only emboldened. The problem with “Banzai Bob Macdonald’s” approach is that the problem is hit, sometimes hard, sometimes even sunk, but done so in a manner of near self-destruction or sacrifice. One way or another we could argue that if nothing else Bob Macdonald actually confronts problems.

What has the city council done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

Approving the RMP recommendation of tearing down Bates #5 was the right thing to do. Setting the dollars aside for its demolition was also commendable. Backtracking and then kicking the can down the road to bide time for a shady backroom deal is inexcusable. My hunch is somebody still wants a Casino. I hope my hunch is wrong.


What has the city administrator and the city staff done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

The City Administrator has been doing his job well. City Staff are very skilled and know how to do their job well. However, no City Council minutes have been approved or placed on file since January 2012. This speaks volumes. There are no records available. City Hall needs to be held accountable to their administrative responsibilities and put less effort into trying to do the job of the appointed boards and committees they serve under. And hey, how about the (34) street lights burned out (last count a week ago) on Lisbon St. between Maple and Main Streets? Anybody home at City Hall?

What has the school committee done during the past two years that you agree with? What have they done that you disagree with?

What should be done with Bates Mill No. 5?

The city spent a huge sum of money and time to develop the Riverfront Master Plan. The conclusions were arrived at and explained at length. I participated in the process and agreed with the R.M.P. findings and recommendations completely. Now is not the time to second guess and hold out on action for fantastically unrealistic dreams or a last gasp stab at getting a Casino. Tear down Bates Mill #5 as recommended by the R.M.P.

Any last words?


We do ourselves a disservice by electing and re-electing passive leaders who merely watch from the sidelines as the City ‘runs itself’. Let’s be sure to elect leaders who will actually lead. Let’s also make it clear we expect our elected and appointed officials to exercise their authority, asserting themselves before a skilled city administrative staff.

In speaking with so many residents of Ward 7, it’s clear our elected representative at City Hall is not listening, or engaged. My commitment if elected is to listen, engage and act. If not for these three qualities, why do we elect our leaders? A promise is often hard to keep; a commitment however, is a state of mind. On November 5, we can choose commitment or complacency.

Thank you to the Lewiston Sun Journal for this opportunity to speak to your readers.

Election coverage:

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