In response to “U.S. builds case for strike on Syria” (Sept. 11), I highly disagree with what the president is trying to do. The U.S. should not attack Syria, and here is why:

If the U.S. were to attack Syria, many things could go wrong, especially in the current state of this nation. Attacking Syria can bring nothing good. They might, for instance, attack back.

Also, the U.S. is always acting, for lack of a better term, like the “police” of the world. If one country is in a dispute with another, we jump up and try to stop it, almost not worrying about what the consequences could be.

There are other countries that are closer to Syria than we are and they could take care of it. Besides, if Syrian President Assad becomes allies with Russia, Russia might go after us.

Finally, Syria has oil. We can’t risk losing more oil in our current economy.

Overall, it would be a bad thing to get involved with Syria. They might attack us, when other countries could take our place. We shouldn’t get involved.

Finally, if we attack them, we will most likely lose an important source of oil.

Wyatt Giroux

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