The found the article about Ariel Castro (Sept. 4), the man who kept three women captive for 10 years before he committed suicide, disturbing. I follow the news and I am aware of what happened inside Castro’s home.

Yes, he may be deceased, but he got out of serving some 937 charges, including rape and kidnapping, which could have meant a life sentence.

I think it is amazing that he was dastardly enough to kill himself after what he put those women through. He put them through years of hell, and having him put away for life in prison might have been a relief for them. With his death, he won’t be able to dwell on the fact that he was causing three women to basically restart their lives.

Now, everyone will know him as a cowardly man who took the easy way out. He stated at his sentencing, “I am not a monster. I’m sick.”

I am not sure how someone can kidnap, hold hostage, torture and rape repeatedly three women for 10 years and not be considered a monster.

Castro should have been on suicide watch because of the seriousness of the case. I think that all prisoners with a serious case like that should be on suicide watch for a longer period of time. There would be less of a chance that would happen again.

Emma Christman

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