CHESTERVILLE — Prior to the proposed water protection ordinance going to public hearing on Sept. 12, the Planning Board changed the distance that excavation will be permitted related to a great pond.

The ordinance now proposes that no part of any excavation operation, including drainage and runoff control features, will be permitted within 100 feet horizontal distance of the normal high water line of a great pond and within 75 feet horizontal distance of a normal high water line of any other water body, tributary or upland edge of a wet land.

The initial proposal was for no excavation to be permitted within 250 feet horizontal distance from the high water line of a great pond, Fran Fuller, chairman of the Water Resources Protection Committee, said.

About 40 people turned out to ask questions during the 90-minute hearing, he said.

The Board of Selectmen certified the ordinance Thursday night to go to voters on Nov. 5 at the polls.

The ordinance follows state law but is more stringent in a couple of areas, including guidelines on excavation near a great pond.

It sets guidelines on commercial water extraction and mineral extraction but does not prohibit them.

The ordinance is an effort to protect water quality within the town, Fuller previously said.

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