RANGELEY — Fire Chief Tim Pellerin reported to the selectmen meeting Tuesday that a contingent of firefighters from Lac-Megantic, Quebec, will visit Maine on Oct. 11 to thank the fire companies that aided them in their train disaster.

The Canadian firefighters will bring flags to sign and exchange. Other Maine fire departments will share expenses for the dinner or cookout that will be hosted in Rangeley.

Lac-Megantic was devastated in the early hours of July 6 when an unattended train carrying crude oil rolled seven miles downhill before derailing and exploding in the downtown area. At least 47 people were killed and 30 buildings destroyed.

All but one of the 73 cars carried thousands of gallons of crude oil, according to the Associated Press. Not all exploded.

Seven fire departments in Franklin County responded to the scene, which is nearly 70 miles from Rangeley.

Also Tuesday, Pellerin reported that the heating system replacement for Station 2 in Oquossoc will need not only a new furnace, but also insulation for duct work that runs through cold air space. He asked the board to table any action for two weeks while he collects more quotes for the project, which he expects to cost less than $5,000.


The Fire Department conducted a fire drill at the school, which took less than two minutes. A lockdown drill will take place in a few weeks. Pellerin praised the school for being very proactive on student safety.

An update on the Carry Road project revealed the need for extra work. Water is leaving the road where Bald Mountain Road enters Carry Road, eroding the paved shoulder. Additional paving is also needed on all sides at the boat launch to support trailers at the turnaround.

The board approved the projects at a cost of $4,600, contingent upon the areas being in the town’s right of way. Similar concerns were voiced over the need to slow water and trap sediment in other locations, such as Lakeside Lodges Road, Bonney Point and Quimby Pond.

An engineering bid for the High Street and School Street projects was not awarded at the meeting.

“Because of circumstances beyond our control, we are behind the eight ball,” Selectman Gary Shaffer said. “We need confirmation from the water and sewer departments before we put the bids back out. We don’t want to put in a new road and have it dug up for water or sewer work.”

An outdoor festival permit was granted to Moose Alley and other participants in the second annual Rangeley Oktoberfest, but Moose Alley’s on-premise liquor license extension was tabled for lack of a request letter.

Sandra Dumont of the Rangeley Lakes Snowmobile Club presented the board with a handsome brass plaque in thanks for the town’s ongoing support.

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