WILTON — The Planning Board will take another look at a permit for the reconstruction of a dam on Dakin Brook with a site walkthrough starting at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 19.

The board will continue with a public hearing on Derrick Thibodeault’s Dakin Stream request and a site plan review during its regular meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Town Office.

Those attending the site walkthrough can meet on Tobin Flat Road at the end of the pavement.

In May, the Planning Board reviewed and approved a permit for Thibodeault of Parsonsfield to construct a dam and create a pond.

The dam that used to be at the site was washed out during Tropical Storm Irene. Thibodeault proposed to replace it with an earth dam, as well as a water control structure, a culvert and a flashboard to adjust water height, Paul Montague, current interim code enforcement officer, said.

During an appeal of the decision in July, brought by Conrad Heeschen and Pam Prodan, Appeals Board members wanted the Planning Board to look at their decision again, Montague said at that time.


They needed to consider whether the dam is a legal, nonconforming structure under the town’s ordinance, he said.

The board was asked to closely follow procedures in the town’s zoning ordinance, including the site walkthrough and public hearing, Montague said Monday.

The hearing allows the board to officially get public input on the project, he said.

In other business, the board will consider a driveway and parking lot permit in a shoreland zone for the Wilson Lake Condominium Association. The condominium parking lot has never been paved.

The board needs to consider adding a more impervious structure near the lake, he said.

They will also review a site plan application from Ellen Shibles of York to demolish buildings and construct a new home at 245 Lake Road.


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