Historical Society meets Sept. 18

NEW VINEYARD — The New Vineyard Historical Society will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 18, in Smith Hall on Main Street.

Nancy Jane Porter will discuss how the Farmington Historical Society entered parts of its collection into the free Maine Memory Network. The three villages of New Portland and the town of Strong are already in the network, as is Farmington.

Maine Memory Network is a statewide computer museum providing access to digitalized items from historical societies and other organizations. Articles include hand written materials, photographs, old maps, drawings, newspaper clippings, etc.

Anyone may use the New Vineyard Library computers, any home computer or any computer anywhere in the country to view these items.

Franklin County Retired Educators


RANGELEY — The Franklin County Retired Educators will hold its first fall meeting at 11 a.m. Monday, Sept. 23, at the Rangeley Episcopal Church. The program will be the slide show from the state convention named “Retirement Fun in Franklin County.”

All retired educators, teachers and support personnel are invited to attend.

Lunch reservation may be secured by leaving a message for Ann Yorks at 779-0502.

Field trip on edible mushrooms

FARMINGTON — Western Maine Audubon will host a program and a walk on edible wild mushrooms starting at noon Wednesday, Sept. 25, at Thomas Auditorium, UMF.

David Spahr is a naturalist, photographer, forest farmer and author of “Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of New England and Eastern Canada.” He is presently writing a foraging book as well.


Spahr will draw on his 40 years of collecting experience to show us what we might find and eat, or not. He will start with a PowerPoint overview of edible and medicinal mushrooms and then lead a walk. Plan on an hour for the walk from 1:15 to 2:15. This program is jointly sponsored by Western Maine Audubon and the UMF Natural Sciences Department.

Community breakfast

RANGELEY — The next Ladies/Community Breakfast will be from 7 to 9 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 25, at the Saint Luke’s Catholic Church on Lake Street.

Anyone with a special dietary need should call in advance so they can try to accommodate your needs.

For more information call 864-3807.

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