DIXFIELD — Superintendent Craig King set a special session Monday with local first responders in hopes that it will help develop closer relations with the area’s firefighters, police departments and emergency personnel.

In the meeting with first responders, scheduled for Oct. 22 at 3 p.m., he wants to discuss the current crisis plans in place at the schools and any other safety-related issues, he said. 

“We want really close relationships with first responders,” he said.

He also set a second session with the local state legislative delegation, teachers’ union representatives and building administrators, aimed at learning the requirements or laws and other education-related matters that may be coming up in the future.

The legislative informational discussion was set for Oct. 17.

Also in October, at a date yet to be determined, the RSU 10 board will meet with the Region 11 School of Applied Technology board for their annual gathering. RSU 10 board Chairman Jerry Wiley was appointed as the board representative to the Region 11 board.


Most high school students who opt for vocational classes in the Nezinscot Region, which includes Buckfield, attend the Region 11 school. Vocational students from the Dirigo and Mountain Valley regions attend the Region 9 School of Applied Technology in Mexico.

In other matters, the board welcomed newly elected representative David Lynch of Sumner, who teaches mathematics at Gould Academy. Lynch replaced John Phillips.

The board unanimously granted permission to Dirigo region teachers Beth Edwards, Sarah Irish, Abigail Wood and Kurt Rowley for an 11-day trip to Spain, Morocco and Gibraltar during April vacation in 2015.

The trip is open to any secondary students in the RSU 10 district and will be paid by the individuals who choose to take the trip.

Also on Monday, technology coordinator Kevin Kaulback reported that about 700 of the 1,200 laptop computers issued to students during the 2012-13 school year had received some level of damage.

Repair costs are currently being paid by each student or his or her family.

Laptops were replaced with iPad computers at the beginning of this school year. Most of the damage repair costs were $100 or less. He said 22 students caused the highest amount of damage, around $500.

Kaulback said the computer fee for students rose to $60 for the current school year.

King said that, “in the big scheme of things, the majority of kids are responsible.”

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