Different people have different reasons for fear: cancer, loss of a job, hate crime victim, loss of benefits. Those and many others are cause for fear. But the two things I fear the most are the federal government and the mainstream media.

Consider: On a regular basis, the president, some members of Congress and some career bureaucrats mislead the public for political purposes and the mainstream media refuse to call them on it.

The “phony” scandals — Benghazi, fast-and-furious, the IRS targeting conservative PACS, and NSA’s invasion of the public’s privacy — are very serious issues involving loss of lives, broken laws and violations of the U.S. Constitution, along with perjury and pleading the Fifth Amendment during congressional hearings.

Lots of meat there for a good reporter on any of those. Instead, the media waste air time on a clown wearing an Obama mask.

And Obamacare (speaking of misleading the public) — is way beyond fearing. The public should be absolutely terrified of this “train wreck,” as one of its authors described it.

With 2,700 pages, some 30,000-plus new regulations, waivers and exemptions for political purposes, illegal implementation delays and runaway costs, those are just a few reasons to be terrified. Still the media are nowhere to be seen or heard, in spite of all the evidence. They are too busy televising Obama’s daily photo opportunities as he continues to campaign (when he is not playing golf or vacationing).

This country is being destroyed by its own government and the media. That’s what real fear is.

George Jones, Otisfield

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