Instead of apologizing to Republicans for “any difficulty that remarks recently reported in the press may have caused you,” maybe Gov. LePage should apologize to Republicans for calling them liars. After all, when he claims he didn’t say President Obama hates white people, he is calling those who reported the remark liars, and those who reported it were Republicans who paid to have dinner with him.

When he calls the president racist, the governor only reminds the public of his many other offensive remarks, especially saying in 2010 that he’d tell Obama to go to hell.

If the governor doesn’t think he needs to show any respect for the president, at least he could show some respect for the people of Maine. He may recall that in this state — the whitest in the nation — the voters have twice chosen Barack Obama for president in a landslide.

Shouldn’t that tell the governor what the majority of people in Maine think of his race-baiting?

James Parakilas, Lewiston

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