As a former, long-time resident of Auburn and a graduate of Edward Little High School, I was deeply saddened to learn that the Lake Street School playground was gone.

I remember the day when we opened that playground. For years after I left the school, my friends and I continued to go and play there. I even brought my husband (from California) by to show him the school and playground the first time he came to Maine and met my parents.

Lake Street School was more than just a school; it was filled with timeless memories of days before school shootings, when kids were kids and respected teachers and enjoyed education. The overwhelming amount of support we received through our teachers from that school has stayed with many of us through our adult years.

Special events, such as Thanksgiving at school and the annual May Fair were specific to the Lake Street School.

My cousins grew up playing on that playground. Generations of children grew up playing there. My brother, now 39, went to first grade there. My second grade teacher from the school attended my bridal shower last summer.

I want to make Auburn officials aware, before they consider the demolition of Lake Street School, how much that school means to so many who went there. It broke people’s hearts to see the playground, that we built with our families and teachers, demolished.

The original building must be saved.

Ariel Pollack, Davis, Calif.

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