100 years ago, 1913
To the fact that he possessed strong fingers, Cast Shemanes of 18 Knox street, Lewiston, undoubtedly owes an unmutilated body at this time. For the death-like grip which he had upon the radiator of the big touring car which knocked him from his bicycle prevented him from being carried under the car at Lincoln and Main streets, Wednesday afternoon. Maj. J.P. Hutchinson of Auburn was at the wheel of his car coming down Main streets as Shemanes made a long swing from Lincoln street. The car was moving at a fair speed. Mr. Hutchinson did all possible to stop the car, but before it was brought to a standstill it had struck the bicycle, throwing the rider off. Cast, who is about 21 years of age, made a frantic clutch with his hands and succeeded in catching hold of the radiator. He clung there with might and main until the touring car came to a stop. The bicycle was badly smashed and twisted. After the bicycle had been taken to a repair shop and left for treatment, Shemanes walked to his home in Knox street.

50 years ago, 1963
When at Quebec City, Que., a few years ago, John C, Dam, son of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Dam of Lewiston decided he might try to build a miniature replica of the city’s famed Chateau Frontenac. After a year of razor blade work on balsa wood, pasting and what not the multicolored edifice is almost complete. The model is 26 inched high at its peak and 26 inches long and deep. It’s mounted in a plywood board measuring eight by four feet. Dam, a radio-television repairman, said there is four more months of work to be done on it.

25 years ago, 1988
With just a week left before Fight Night, both Joey Gamache, Jr., and Mark “The Cannon” Brannon are winding down their training regimens. The Sept. 2 bout at Lewiston Armory appears at first glance to be a classic match-up of Brannon’s height and jabbing ability versus the power and body-punching prowess of Gamache. At 5-foot-5, the undefeated (10-0) Lewiston boxer will be giving up five inches to Brannon, his Indianapolis opponent.

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