WATERVILLE (AP) — The police chief in Waterville says cellphone data helped law enforcement officers find a woman who allegedly abducted her two young children after losing custody of them.

Chief Joseph Massey said Monday that investigators knew 34-year-old BethMarie Retamozzo was headed to New York or to Florida, where she had connections, when she took the children without permission Thursday night. He said cellphone data was used to track her to South Carolina, where she was arrested Saturday night at a rest area along Interstate 95.

WZON-AM says Maine police are working with South Carolina officials to have Retamozzo brought back to Maine. That could happen by week’s end.

Police say the two abducted children, 7-year-old Joslyn Retamozzo and 6-year-old Joel Retamozzo, along with a 2-year-old daughter, are safe.

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