LIVERMORE FALLS — The RSU 73 board last week heard updates on changes that will be in place when school begins later this month, appointed several new co-curricular staff members, and learned of the expansion plans for the RSU 73 Adult and Community Education program.

Teachers return to school on Aug. 27. A day later, students return to classes. Any final appointments or other needed changes will take place at the Aug. 22 board meeting at the Central Office on Cedar Street.

Eileen Miazga, director of adult and community education, said three new staff members will join the program this fall. Kim Cook was hired as part-time secretary/receptionist, Linda Davis as business teacher and career pathways trainer, and Janet Benedetto as education coordinator.

The program has moved into a portion of the former Spruce Mountain High School south campus, and the adult education office has been relocated to the former main office of the school.

Now called the Spruce Mountain Adult Learning Center, Miazga said interactive television courses will be offered by two colleges, and two former shop rooms will offer drafting and woodworking, among other offerings.

In addition to use by the adult education program, portions of the non-academic section of the school will continue to be used by students and clubs from Spruce Mountain High School in Jay for such things as the marching band program, home games by the SMHS Phoenix football team and suppers held by the football boosters organization. Various trainings are also planned.


Miazga is also holding a community forum Wednesday night at 6 p.m., at which she hopes to gather ideas from residents of the three-town district on establishing a community center in the former cafeteria.

At the Jay campus, the $1.8 million renovation and reuse project for the high school, Spruce Mountain Middle School and Jay Community Center is nearing completion. All secondary students from the south and north campuses will attend the same school beginning on Aug. 28.

Board members last week increased prices for most breakfasts and lunches. Students eligible for reduced priced lunches will continue to pay $.40 for lunch and nothing for breakfasts. Those eligible for free lunches and breakfasts will also continue their eligibility.

Price increases for others are: high school breakfasts from $1.00 to $1.35, and lunches from $2.05 to $2.65; middle school breakfasts from $1.00 to $1.35, and lunches from $1.85 to $2.45; elementary school breakfasts from $.75 to $1.20, lunches from $1.85 to $2.45; adult breakfasts from $2.00 to $2.50, lunches from $3.50 to $4.00.

The board also accepted the resignation of Livermore Elementary School educational technician Stephanie Nichols.

The board then entered into a closed session to discuss negotiations with the Spruce Mountain Educational Association. Those discussions continued during the next few days.

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