INDUSTRY — The 101st annual meeting of the Clearwater Lake Improvement Association was held on July 7 at the Industry town hall. This association is one of the oldest lake associations in the state and is committed to supporting the quality and enjoyment of the Clearwater Lake area.

Clyde Ross began the meeting with the customary prayer and remembrance of members who have died in the past year. The business meeting began with the secretary giving a report of the March meeting. Treasurer Janice Maxham reported a significant amount of extra funds were raised to support the Fourth of July fireworks and the milfoil program. A discussion took place about possible solutions to the problem and safety concerns of people swimming in the breakwater.

Another issue that seems to be an annual topic of discussion is the erosion under the road between the lake’s outlet and the mill pond. Lee Ireland, first selectmen in Industry, has contacted state departments on several occasions and continues to dialogue with the Department of Transportation.

CLIA members were also updated on the work progress of the lower dam. The mill pond area has been cleared of brush. This area has become another attraction near the lake, especially with the recent addition of picnic tables and flowers. This was made possible by the generosity of nearby residents, including several CLIA members.

The attendees also heard a brief overview from Rebecca Kurtz, the new executive director of Maine’s Lakes Society. This organization is now based at Belgrade Lakes and has support from approximately 150 Council of Lake Association members. CLIA members also discussed the Lake Smart program and learned ways they can participate.

CLIA officers were approved for the 2013-14 term by the general membership. Officers are as follows: president, Bill Marceau; vice president, Sherwood Swain; secretary, Chris Deon; treasurer, Janice Maxham. Directors include Janet Hannaford, Lee Ireland, Nancy Flick, Dan Maxham and Buzz Davis.

The meeting concluded with the presentation of an attractive artifact case which will be displayed at the Industry town hall. The high quality, cherry case was made by the craftsmen at W.A. Mitchell Furniture Company and was donated by the Lake Association to display Clearwater Lake artifacts.

For more information about CLIA, contact Bill Marceau at 778-0607. Proceeds from Clearwater Lake gift items support the association and are available at Sugarwood Gallery, 238 Broadway St., Farmington.

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