I was saddened to hear some of the comments Pope Francis recently made to reporters.

In newspaper accounts, it was said of former Pope Benedict that he carried a very heavy heartache over the misdeeds of priests in the Catholic Church. His heart’s desire was for a more pure church. I guess most of the public would brand the whole priesthood as evil because of the misdeeds of a few. That is so terrible.

In recent newspaper accounts, it was said that Pope Francis agreed that homosexual acts were intrinsically disordered, but the newspaper account went on to say “he was not interested in further discussion” about the subject.

That bothers me. I try to understand it since this country and the world debates a whole new, what I call, immoral order. It is said that some of the pope’s advisers or prelates there at the Vatican do not long for a more pure church.

That is not good and I don’t believe the Lord is pleased with that.

Finally, top spokespeople of the human rights campaign continue with the same line, that homosexuality is genetic. Yet other experts counter that there is no scientific basis for that claim.

Dr. Jeffrey Satinover, in his book, “Politics of Truth,” writes: “The family and its nurturing, or lack thereof, is maybe the critical factor in the development of homosexuality.”

Elaine Graham, Farmington

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