LEWISTON — For the past 12 years Phil Burgess of Lewiston has been cycling a four-hour round trip to work as a custodian at Dingley Press in Lisbon. He rides in all four seasons and sometimes, when the weather is too harsh, he’ll catch a ride with a co-worker.

Like many people, Burgess has lost loved ones to cancer and joined the Dempsey Challenge as a way to support those in need. He has participated in three of the four Dempsey Challenge events, riding the 10-mile course in memory of his father, his wife’s stepfather and a co-worker who have  succumbed to the disease.

Dingley Press created a Dempsey Challenge team, The Dingley Press For a Cure, and holds annual raffles and bake sales to help Burgess meet his fundraising goals. Although he has been able to meet the challenge of his daily commute, many of his bikes have not; some, lacking the quality needed to withstand such use, lasting as little as six months.

Dominic Giampaolo, co-owner of Busytown Bikes in Lewiston, learned of Burgess’ story and offered to donate a new bicycle and accessories worth more than $800.

“Phil’s story touched a soft spot in my heart,” said Giampaolo. “Here’s a guy who rides all year regardless of the weather and he does it on a bike that’s in very poor condition. I knew I had to do something and decided to get Phil set up on a good quality bike.”

“We know that commuting in the dark or inclement weather carries risks,” added Giampaolo’s business partner, Frank Jalbert. “So we put a nice set of fenders, a high-quality headlight and very bright taillight on Phil’s bike. We know this will make a difference in the safety of his commute, and that’s important to us.”

With his new ride, Burgess plans on stepping up to the 25-mile ride in this year’s Dempsey Challenge, scheduled for Oct. 12-13 in Lewiston.

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