LIVERMORE FALLS — The town has changed its prefered gas station due to a change in the way its former provider handles credit cards. A credit limit was put on the gas card and the invoices needed to pay bills were not being provided to the town, Treasurer Sue Sapiel said.

Rumors had been going around that the town didn’t pay its bills and that is why it can no longer be served at C.N. Brown Company.

Town Manager Kristal Flagg and Sapiel said that is not true.

The town’s vehicles were denied service on certain days due to C.N. Brown’s new gas credit card system at its Jay station, Flagg said.

C.N. Brown changed the way it handled credit cards for gas, Sapiel said. The company went from its credit card to a Citgo business credit card. The new business card had a $2,000 limit on the town and that is why the town got denied, she said.

When Sapiel didn’t receive invoices, she went online to payment history and printed off the card history. She paid from that using it as an invoice. She also put the history document in the warrant that selectmen sign to release the money to pay bills, she said.


The town has since gone to Jay Diesel and Gas in Jay to fuel their vehicles, she said. The gas card has no credit limit and the arrangement is working well, Sapiel said.

Jay’s vehicles had been denied as well, Jay Town Manager Ruth Cushman said. The town’s finance director worked it out with the company and the town is still using C.N. Brown.

Jay is going to ask voters on Aug. 22 at a special town meeting if they want to install a new fuel island and tanks in at the public works garage. The town used to provide gas and diesel for town vehicles but has since changed to only diesel. The tanks and pumps are antiquated and need replacement.

Jay police Chief Larry White Sr. previously pointed out that being unable to fuel police cruisers after 9 p.m. is a public safety concern. The gas station the town uses closes at 9 p.m. and doesn’t reopen until morning.

He would like to see both diesel and gas offered at the town’s garage.

An inquiry sent to C.N. Brown’s corporate office was not immediately returned.

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