DIXFIELD — Selectmen unanimously set the 2013-14 tax rate Monday night at $19.30 per $1,000 valuation.

That is 15 cents per $1,000 valuation lower than the current rate of $19.45. That will be a savings of $15 on a home valued at $100,000.

Board Chairman Mac Gill was pleased that the tax rate declined this year.

“Hopefully, it’s a trend we can keep going,” he said.

Town surplus funds of $125,000 were applied to offset tax liability. The town maintains about $700,000 in that account.

Tax bills are expected to be mailed to property owners sometime during the first week of August. The first half of taxes would be due without penalty by Sept. 16 and the second half by May 16.


However, those dates could change if residents approve an article that would create a tax club on Wednesday.

Town Manager Linda Pagels-Wentworth said if the tax club is adopted, residents who sign up for it will be eligible to pay their taxes monthly rather than twice a year.

Payments would be devised based on the estimated total tax amount. If payments are made on time, no interest will be applied. If a payment is late or not paid, the tax club member could be automatically terminated from the monthly payment program.

Gill said such a way of paying taxes will help the town’s cash flow, as well as provide an easier way for property owners to make those payments.

The special town meeting begins at 7 p.m., July 31, in the community room of Dirigo High School.

In other matters Monday night, the board approved putting 12 properties out to bid that have been tax-acquired by the town.


Pagels-Wentworth said the number of such properties is up slightly from last year.

Minimum bids will include taxes owed, sewer and water fees plus municipal costs.

Bids will be due at the town office by Sept. 6.

Pagels-Wentworth said some of the properties have tenants or owners still residing in the homes. By Sept. 6, those people likely will be required to vacate the premises.

The town-owned properties are located on High, Mill and Main streets and Canton Point Road, among other places.

The board decided to set two meetings in August rather than the previously agreed upon single meeting. Those meetings will be held at 5 p.m. on Aug. 12 and Aug. 26.

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