LIVERMORE — A junior majoring in health care management had his name randomly drawn to receive the $1,000 Pollard Scholarship on Monday.

Michael Anctil of Tessier Road is studying at the University of Connecticut, administrative assistant Kurt Schaub said Tuesday.

A scholarship panel consisting of selectpersons, a RSU 73 school director and a resident-at-large reviewed 17 applications to make sure all qualified before a name was drawn, he said.

Livermore began awarding the scholarship in 1980 following the opening of a half-century box containing papers showing that Augustus Pollard had set aside funds, with instructions that the interest be used each year to help a Livermore student with his or her higher education.

In other business, the board signed a contract with Bruce A. Manzer Inc. of Anson to do paving on three town roads. The price for a finish layer of paving on the north end of Norlands Road is $70,830, for Israelson Road is $39,995 and for South Road it is $63,190, Schaub said.

The Road Committee selected Manzer to do the work because they like the product he provides, he said. The board approved that committee’s recommendation, he said.


In another road matter, selectpersons approved a gravel bid notice with some minor adjustments for the proposed road work the Road Committee would like to get done on Bowles, Hahn and Center roads and the eastern end of Strickland Ferry Road, he said.

The annual road plan calls for soliciting bids to remove large rocks, crush the pavement and re-cover with gravel and reclaim. 

There is no guarantee that all of the roads will be done, he said.

“Some, all or none may be selected for improvements, depending on the amounts of the bids received,” he said.

In other matters, Schaub updated the board on a call he had from a resident of Tessier Road about a street light that was removed at the intersection with Crash Road. Voters approved eliminating 42 of its 54 streetlights at the June town meeting.

This particular street light was slated to stay.

Schaub called Central Maine Power Co. and there was confusion over road names, he said. CMP had kept the streetlight on Crash Road by an apartment building instead of removing it. The company will correct the error, he said.

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