Summer adventure at Calvary church

LEWISTON — This Sunday, July 28, will conclude Calvary United Methodist Church’s summer-long adventure of Judea, Samaria and the ends of the earth.

Larry Peacock, leader and director of Rolling Ridge Retreat Center, will conduct the 10:30 a.m. service.

Calvary is at 59 Sabattus St. All are invited to attend.

First Baptist cancels events

PARIS — The First Baptist Church of Paris on Paris Hill has cancelled the Old Fashion Bean Supper scheduled for Aug. 3 and the Senior Social Center which meets every Monday for the month of August while the church undergoes renovations to Cummings Hall.


Vacation Bible school in Carthage

CARTHAGE — Carthage Union Church is sponsoring a vacation Bible school from Aug. 5-8 at the church, 672 Carthage Road. The theme is “God’s Athletes.”

The Bible school is for children and young adults, ages 6 to 18. Events will include Bible study and sports activities each day. Indoor activities will be available for those who do not like sports or outside activities and for rainy days.

The program will kick off on Sunday, Aug. 4, with Storme Shaw in concert at 6 pm.; refreshments to follow.

Annual prayer service in Auburn

AUBURN — The annual “Making the Widow’s Heart Sing” conference will be held Sept. 20-21 at East Auburn Baptist Church.


The keynote speaker, Miriam Neff, is an accomplished speaker and author. She has journeyed through widowhood and learned valuable lessons that many have found extremely helpful.

The titles of Miriam’s talks: Finding Your Mission: A Purpose Worth Living For,What We Have Now: Tools for the Transition, and Facing Forward: Bold Living in Our New Life give a glimpse of what she will be sharing.

In addition, there are 12 practical workshops from which to choose: dealing with grief, what to do with loneliness, help with finances, and expert social services advice, are just some of the topics covered.

Information and registration forms can be found at FMI: 782-0348.

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