How can people continue to support President Obama and his sorry administration?

Who refused the increased security requested before the attack in Benghazi? Who refused to dispatch relief forces at the time of the attack? President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton should stop dodging those questions.

The U.S. Middle East foreign policy is embarrassing.

Harassment of conservative organizations by the IRS has been reported.

The NSA has been secretly spying on public phone calls and messages.

Racists Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson have stirred up the public over the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case, aided by the left-wing media, President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder. Answers to the many black-on-black murders are absent.


The national debt is $17 trillion and growing. The Democratic Senate continues to block Republican spending corrections. Democrats have shown no courage to do the right thing. Exorbitant waste goes uncorrected.

Obamacare was enacted by a Democratic Congress with Speaker Nancy Pelosi urging “pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,” and the Democrats did, while carefully engineering passage to avoid activating any painful parts until after elections. More than 1,200 organizations, mostly labor unions, have received waivers from parts of the act.

Barack Obama is a great speaker but a pitiful “do-er.” Senate President Harry Reid rarely allows Republican measures to be debated or brought to a vote, thus enactment is impossible.

Voters should consider such Democratic trends, which are not serving this country well.

Thomas Shields, Auburn

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