NORWAY — Preparations are underway for the placement of a footbridge across Pennesseewassee Stream behind the Gingerbread House on Main Street.

The footbridge will span the stream from Water Street to Main Street. It improves access from the municipal parking lot on Water Street to the Gingerbread House, Lajos Matolcsy Art Gallery and other sites along Main Street.

Town Manager David Holt said this week the prefabricated bridge is due to arrive Aug. 19 and is on schedule. It will be hoisted onto the granite foundation of a previous bridge.

A front-end loader is preparing the site.

Residents voted at the 2012 annual town meeting to spend $20,000 from the Community and Economic Development reserve for the bridge, but Holt said at the time it wasn’t enough money so the project was held up.

In March, two anonymous donors gave the town as much of $10,000 as needed to complete the purchase and installation of the footbridge.

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