AUBURN — Dave Levesque scored a hole-in-one on the 147-yard No. 3 hole at Fox Ridge. Levesque used a 6 iron. Walt Burlock and Bob Drew witnessed the ace on July 16.

Turner Highlands

TURNER — Men’s league, July 9: Flight I, Gross, Rick Schrepper 35; Net, Stan Timberlake 29; Pin, No, 15, Marke Wilcox 2-6. Flight II, Gross, Bob Campbell 43; Net, Chris Duguay 28.5; Pin, No. 4, Desmond Duguay 20-0.


NORWAY — Ladies Scramble: Kathy Jillson/Kathy Greenleaf/Pat Winsor/Betty Jordan 37.

Crazy Scramble: Tod Smith/Hope Smith/Drew Nemec/Ellen Nemec 36, Bob Handville/Jackie Bennett/Steve Gajewski/Ginny Goodwin 40, George Jillson/Kathy Jillson/Chet Spiller/Linda Morris 41.


Pine Acres

AUBURN — Monday, July 15: Seniors Scramble. Flight I, Jerry Laplante/Norm Polley/Bill Burroughs/Diane Doyon/Norm Bureau -3 Flight II, Ron Bilodeau/Gary Rowe/Ray Merrow/Rene Doyon/Carolyn Robertson -2; Flight III, Bob Morin/Muriel Burroughs/Phyl Cyr/Ida Grondin/Jean Cote -2. Pin, Bob Morin 2-6, Ray Merrow 8-11. 50/50, Chuck Drinkwater, Bob Allen. Ice cream for the losers team, Jan Davis/Lil Wright/Sandy Tukey/Polley Parker/Jody Flagg.


POLAND — Wednesday Night Men’s League: S Lever/R Arnoldy 197.5, J Lever/D Lever 187, Greenlaw/Luce 177.5, Dionne/Cyr 173.5, Bilodeau/Emery 172.5, Fennessy/Haley 170, Pinkham/Matthieu 167.5, Caron/Caron 158.5, Jalbert/Sawyer 155, Burrel/McManus 154.5, Letourneau/Bosse 154, Dubois/Smyth 151, Marichal/Moe Bissonette 146.5, Tabb/Bissonnette 143, Knowlton/Haines 136.5, D Poulin/Mackey 87.5, Pin #9: Tony Dubois 2-1. Low Gross A: Dubois 38 B: D Lever / Emery 42. Low Net A: Pinkham 33 B: Tabb 34.


AUBURN — Mne’s Member-Guest: Overall champions, Steve Bartlett/Bob Dion. Flight I, Felix Lincoln/Rick Schrepper; II, Wayne Fillion/Mike Bowie; III, Steve Bartlett/Bob Dion, Peter Cretella/Mike Kinzel, Peter Ashton/Bill Mullin, Dan Deprato/Andy Christian, Nick Bayley/John Walker; IV, Tony Cyr/Tony Cyr; V, Mike Wolfe/Stephen Wolfe; VI, Mark Hodsdon/Erwin Hodsdon.


July 12, Individual Sweeps: Men, Gross, Peter Ashton 74, Doug Craib 75, Dale Brown 78; Net, Rich Tremblay 64, Neil Mayo 68, Topper Wets 71. Ladies, Gross, Melissa Johnson 77; Net, Pat Kordalski 67. Two-ball, Gross, Dale Brown/Rich Tremblay 69, Topper West/Peter Ashton 71; Net, Mike Tiner/Claude Heutz 64, John Petrocelli/Melissa Johnson 66. Skins, Gross, Neil Mayo (No. 1), Eric Eddy (2), Peter Ashton (3, 7), Doug Craib (12), Mike Tiner (17), Larry Faiman (18); Net, Jim Sperl (10), Dick Campbell (11), Eric Eddy (14).


LEEDS — Senior League: 6-6-6, Gross, John Gross/Ron Leeman 73; Net, Tom Rudder/John Hodgkins 58, Roger Maloney/Bob Cochran 59. Pins, No. 2, Charlie Fitzgerald 32-4; No. 8, Roger Mlaoney 20-7; No. 13, Joe Mertzel 13-10; No. 15, John Hodgkins 18-9.

Men’s Twilight: Flight I, Dick Therrien +6, Ron Leeman +4, Brandon Marcotte +3, Brian Henderson +3; II, Matt Howard +6, John Gross +5, Don Rahmlow +3, Joe Mertzel +3; III, Jeff Kent +5, Jim Murphy +4, Scott Bubier +4; IV, Mike Pleau +6, Aaron Burke +2, Rick Shea +1, Rick St. Laurent +1. Pins, No. 2, Brian Henderson 5-1; No. 8, Scott Foster 8-10.

Mixed Texas Shamble: Gross, Trent Murphy/Debbie Murphy/Sharon Pattershall/Brad Pattershall 30; Net, Steve Dyer/Barbara Pray/Ron Leeman/Ashley Golden 23. Pins, No. 2, Debbie Murphy 4-6; No. 8, Dave St. Andre 10-4.

Sadie Hawkins: Gross, Pennie Cummings/Sid Cohen/Fred Warner/Scott Cummings 63; Net, Debbie Murphy/Trent Murphy/Jay Hopkins/Don Rahmlow 48, Judy Corkum/Tom Tiner/Bill Crane/Brad Pattershall 50, Claire Morin/Dave Morin/Lonney Steeves/Ken Carver 50. Long drives, Black, Brad Pattershall; Blue, Bob Cochran; Green, Pennie Cummings. Pins, No.2, Debbie Murphy 8-4; No. 8, Dave Morin 12-10; No. 13, John Gross 13-5; No. 15, Ron Leeman 4-10.


Blind draw: Gross, Pat Murphy/Jay Levasseur 75; Net, Jay Hopkins/George Hopkins 54, Dick Metivier/Rick Carleton 59. Pins, No. 2, Pat Murphy 11-2; No. 8, Gerry Laroche 16-9; No. 13, Pat Murphy 20-3; No. 15, George Hopkins 18-5. Skins, Gross, Pat Murphy (2), Jim Fennessy (3), Jay Hopkins (6, 18), Gerry Laroche (7), Dick Metivier (9), George Hopkins (15); Net, Pat Murphy (2), Jim Fennessy (3), Gerry Laroche (7), Dick Metivier (9), George Hopkins (15), Rick St. Laurent (17).

Individual Sweeps: Gross, Fred Warner 71, Sid Cohen 75, Jay Hopkins 75; Net, Jon Kent 57, Ken Carver 60, Joe Mertzel 61, George Hopkins 61, Steve Bodge 64, Matt Beckim 64. Pins, No. 2, Dale Williams 14-1; No. 8, Sid Cohen 5-10; No. 13, Pete Provencher 6-2; No. 15, Ken Carver 2-6. Skins, Gross, Brandon Marcotte (6), Scott Bubier (7), Ken Carver (8), Brad Pattershall (12), Pete Provencher (13), Fred Warner (14), Scott Eldridge (16); Net, Ashley Golden (5), Scott Bubier (7), Ken Carver (8), Brad Pattershall (12), Pete Provencher (13).

Apple Valley

LEWISTON — Ladies League: Game of the day, longest drive, A, Jessia Maloy, No. 4; B, Jill Longstaff, No. 6. A Flight, Gross, Jessica Maloy 52; Net, Cindy Smith 44. B, Gross, Claire Veilleux 58; Net, Elaine Dube 37. Fewest putts, Marie Bisson 11.

Fox Ridge

AUBURN — Skins and Pins: No. 3, Herb Monto 13-7; No. 5, Rex Smith 15-6; No. 13, Perry Goodspeed 4-11; No. 16, James Pelletier 12-7. Skins, Gross, Craig Chapman (6), Jay Stone (9), Larry Godin (12), Jon Grant (13); Net, James Pelletier (4, 11, 16), Mike McKew (9), Larry Godin (12, 14), Rex Smith (17); Ultimate, James Pelletier (3, 4, 8, 11, 16), Larry Godin (5, 12), Mike McKew (9), Gary Chapman (14).

Summer shootout: 1. Gary Caiani, 2. Matt Carroll.

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