FARMINGTON — It was a very hot and humid Saturday, but it did not deter these dedicated volunteers from building more boxes for the Franklin County Garden Angel Program sponsored by the Franklin County Cooperative Extension.

Volunteers Bob Gramlich and Dan Palmer helped multiple 4-H Club members construct eight boxes to expand the Garden Angel Program now in its second year. Materials were discounted by Alfred Destefano from Valley Brook Sawmill for the hemlock, loam donated by Judy Vining from E. L. Vining and Sons, potting soil donated by Brenda Fronk from Aubuchon and lumber and screws were purchased from Hammond Lumber.

The Garden Angel Program was designed to help people with gardening in order to have fresh vegetables and herbs. It matches volunteers with people who may not be able to garden by themselves due to physical or monetary restrictions and need help with planting and maintaining their garden.

After the boxes were built, Sue Gill, Garden Angel chairman; Harvey Hayden, member of the Franklin County Cooperative Extension executive board; and Bob Gramlich, volunteer; drove the boxes, donated containers and soil to recipients located in Farmington, West Farmington, Wilton, Industry, Starks and Jay.

After the boxes built by the volunteers and 4-H club members and the containers donated by Walmart, Hannaford and others had been prepared, it was time to plant.

Linda Myhaver, from the Neighborhood Extension Homemakers, delivered plants and seeds to the recipients. Seeds were donated from the Farmington Farmers Union and other individuals. Tomato and pepper plants were donated by Whitehill Farms and Robin’s Flower Pot.

Last year five boxes were utilized for the program. This year all 16 boxes have been planted plus multiple containers for the larger plants that over took the boxes last year. So far recipients have reported that things are growing nicely, and they are looking forward to harvesting fresh vegetables and herbs.

For more information about the program, contact Susan Gill at 778-6978 or Dave Fuller at the Franklin County Cooperative Extension Office at 778-4650 or 1-800-287-1478.

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