The scheduled two budget meetings for Mexico have taken place. The end result is a new budget for Mexico residents to vote on, which is more than the first budget that was defeated.

The selectmen (excluding Byron Ouellette) basically refused to listen to the voters who took a pen in hand on June 11 and 4,084 times marked the word “no.”

Who are the selectmen representing? Ouellette made an attempt to give up selectmen’s pay to help cut the budget. None of the others went along.

Here is what will happen next: A “no” vote will bring back last year’s budget. There will be no third chance to vote on a third budget.

So, voters are between a rock and a hard place and really don’t have much choice. Residents can send a message and vote “no” all the way, just to show they meant “no” the first time (and still mean “no”). Or, voters can say “no” to only administration, library and unclassifieds. That would save about $15,000. That is a slap in the face and not the cuts the people wanted. They don’t amount to a hill of beans.

There is a public hearing on July 23. Residents should come and express their feelings. The vote is on July 30.

I have just one last word: “recall.”

Marjorie Richard, Mexico

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