JAY — Selectpersons voted Monday to amend the town’s traffic ordinance to increase the hours and days that a section of Church Street will be one-way, Town Manager Ruth Cushman said Tuesday.

The decision followed a public hearing on the change, which requires Church Street to become one-way from Horan to Main streets from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Saturday and from 8 to 10 a.m. on Sunday.

The new hours coincide with weekly masses at St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church on Church Street.

A resident initiated the change.

The ordinance had formerly required Church Street to be one-way during the hours slated for Sundays.

In other business, selectpersons agreed they did not want to pursue turning off any streetlights at this time, Cushman said.


Neighboring towns of Wilton and Livermore have eliminated many streetlights in those towns to save money.

After an executive session on a grievance, the board voted to uphold the town manager’s decision to deny the appeal of the grievance, Cushman said.

The grievance is related to the union contract for the Transfer Station employees.

Department supervisor John Johnson had denied the grievance, and it was appealed to Cushman. Once she denied it, it was appealed to the Board of Selectpersons.

The union will be sent a written letter on the board’s decision. Union representatives will have 30 days to notify the board that they plan to file for arbitration, she said.


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