LEWISTON — Gov. Paul LePage’s recent rape analogy in reference to a Democratic lawmaker made national news. And last week, after state legislators voted to override the budget LePage had vetoed, he said he may not run for a second term.

We asked the lunch crowd at Gridiron Restaurant and Sports Pub on Lisbon Street: “What do you think of LePage, and do you think he should run again?”

Roger LaRoche of Auburn: “I don’t think he’s doing a very good job. I think he should stay out of politics.”

Noella Breton of Lewiston: “I definitely don’t think he should run for a second term. As governor, he’s trying to do good things, but he does not have a very good way of going about it. He is absolutely rough around the edges.”

Nina Thiboutot of Brunswick: “I don’t think he should run again. I don’t think he has any etiquette when he gives his views. He has a very poor choice of words. I am ashamed he is our governor.”

Cindy Godin of Sabattus: “I like the governor. I think he should run a second time. I like that he came from a poor background; he had to work his way up. He’s strong.”

Kay Gionet of Sabattus: “I like him. I think he’s doing a great job. He’s very honest. He’s trying to help the state get out of the financial problems we’re in. Sometimes he could use more tact, but he’s the type of person who says it the way it is. I have no problem with that.”

Caleb Fournier of Sabattus. “I’m not a big fan of him. He makes some harsh judgment calls. He doesn’t really work with the Senate and the government. I think he should try to work harder, not make it all about politics, make the state of Maine better. I would be happy if he didn’t run.”

Wendell Millett of Lisbon: “I think he’s a very good governor. Sometimes his comments come out wrong. Yes, I would (like to see him run). I’m a Republican.”

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