“Asia Night,” a popular variety show representing many of Bates’ diverse cultures, follows the Arts Crawl at 7:30 p.m. in Schaeffer Theatre, 305 College St. The Bates student organization Sangai Asia presents a second performance of “Asia Night” at 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 26. For more information, please contact ebou@bates.edu or hsiegel@bates.edu.

The Bates Arts Collaborative sponsors the Arts Crawl to celebrate the imagination and talent that Bates students invest in myriad creative disciplines. All around the campus, snow sculpture, strolling performers and tasty comestibles from Bates Dining Services will heighten the festive feel.

“Our hope is that people will come to one venue, stay a while and then make their way to the others,” said Carol Dilley, associate professor of dance and coordinator of the event. “It’ll be fun, warm and colorful. What better way to spend a Friday night in January?”

The event is open to the public at no cost. For more information, call 207-786-8212

Chase Hall, 56 Campus Ave. houses a range of simultaneous activities. On tap in Memorial Commons, a former dining space newly repurposed for public events, are the Robinson Players (drama and musical theater); the Strange Bedfellows (improv comedy); Bates dancers; and bands from the Bates Musicians Union. There will also be an art station for children with face painting and art-making opportunities.

The Bobcat Den downstairs from the commons is the venue for literary readings.


At Olin Arts Center, 75 Russell St., as in Chase, an exciting mix of happenings with an emphasis on visual art and culture. Student artists will show work and open their studios to visitors, and on display in the Bates College Museum of Art are three new exhibitions: “Robert S. Neuman’s ‘Ship to Paradise,’ ” “Intermezzi Portfolio” by Max Klinger and “Fransje Killaars: Color at the Center.” A reception for “Color at the Center” takes place at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Jan. 26.

Diverse musical performances are slated for the Olin Arts Center Concert Hall: the Bates Steel Pan Orchestra, the college Jazz Combo, North Indian and Middle Eastern sounds and a battle of the MCs.

At New Commons Fireplace Lounge, 136 Central Ave., musicians including a cappella singers, pianists and the Bates folk band Chase the Fiddlers perform in this cozy gathering spot.

Imaging and Computing Center, Coram Library, 42 Campus Ave., will be the site of the popular Giant Photo Booth for candid portraits.

Asia Night happenings:

The annual Asia Night shows are “diverse and exciting with funky bright costumes, flashy jewelry, dancing and craziness!” said Sheena Malik, a Bates senior from Gurgaon, India, choreographer for the Bollywood-style dances on this year’s program.


Asia Night opens with a performance of Indonesian music by the Bates Gamelan Orchestra and concludes with a finale by the Bates Bollywood Masti group, a medley titled “Wedding Scenario.” The eight acts in between range from Japanese “taiko” drum performances to traditional Chinese and Japanese dance.

It’s a time to “share, promote and celebrate the diversity of Asian cultures within the Bates community,” said Erik Bou, a junior from Cranston, R.I., who shares the Sangai Asia presidency with classmate Hannah Siegel of Tokyo.

“Asia Night communicates Bates’ focuses on diversity,” added Malik. “Bates was one of the first colleges to accept women and people of color, and this openness and acceptance really comes across at Asia Night.”

The event, Siegel added, “not only brings a global perspective to campus, but also gives members of the club an opportunity to connect and find comfort in being surrounded by people that have shared or similar experiences.”

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