In response to Nancy Willard’s letter (Nov. 29), here is my wish list:

That the Affordable Care Act didn’t cut $716 billion out of Medicare during the next 10 years.

That more people knew about the alleged voter fraud when Al Franken of Minnesota was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2008. According to an article in The Washington Examiner, a group called The Minnesota Majority claimed that 341 convicted felons illegally voted for Franken, giving him the contested election that, in turn, gave Democrats the swing vote needed in the Senate to pass ObamaCare.

That generations of youngsters had not been indoctrinated in schools to worship the Earth and to reject capitalism.

That those people who stress the separation of church and state would reveal their real agenda of taking religion out of our lives.

That President Obama would stop spending $1 trillion a year, indebting the nation’s children and grandchildren.

That more people know that taxing the wealthy, which would raise $83 billion, would pay for about 8.5 days of the deficit, according to a recent Fox News Channel broadcast.

Diana Holcomb, Norway

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