As stated in the Department of Health and Human Services certificate of need procedures manual, 22 M.R.S.A. Sec. 327, sub-Sec. 2, A-I, the 108th Legislature reflected that duplication of health services are substantial cost factors, and expressed intent to avoid excessive duplication in a region or community that already has such services.
The manual also states that if a CON application is presented that has the potential to cause more excess in duplicate services, then that CON application must not be considered a priority project.
The DHHS would be wise to reject Central Maine Healthcare’s CON application to acquire control of Parkview Adventist Medical Center on the basis that approval will give CMHC future potential to create additional excesses of costly duplicated services in the Brunswick region. By definition CMHC’s CON application does not categorize as a priority project and should be treated as such.
Keith Kool, Litchfield
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