NEW SHARON — The descendants of Frank Arthur and Clara Minnie (Hanson) Russell gathered for a family reunion at the Congregational Church Vestry in New Sharon on Aug. 12 with 55 members present.

A potluck luncheon was served at noon, with Rev. John Russell Tolman, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Russell leading the group in prayer.

Family pictures, stories and photo albums were on display. Updates for the family’s births, deaths and marriages for the past two years were available to all those who wish to keep their Russell genealogy books updated. Messages and pictures from those family members unable to attend were shared with the group.

An auction was held in the afternoon; due to inclement weather this was held inside. Several homemade items were donated, which were quite popular. Steve Russell, great-grandson, Jeff Pottle (Steve’s brother-in-law) and Sandra Wyman-Krebs, great-great-granddaughter of Frank and Clara Russell, were the auction crew, as they have been for many years. The auction proceeds help pay for the use of the vestry, postage for the annual newsletter and any other expenses to help make the day a success.

The oldest member present was Charles Barr from Gorham, a grandson of Frank and Clara Russell. The youngest member present was 1-year-old Lauryn Swails of Sidney, great-great-great-granddaughter of Frank and Clara Russell. Traveling the longest distance was Barbara (Crowell) Crozier Large, El Paso, Texas.

Those attending were Scott and Carol Routhe, Rochester, N.H.; Audrey and Sandy Luke, Oxford; Charles Barr, Gorham; Gail Wood, Portland; Linda Barr, Gray; Esther Russell, Peru; Georgia Tolman, New Sharon; John and Jane Tolman, New Sharon; Jeff and Kris Pottle, New Sharon; Henry and Nancy Doughty, Pittston; Kenneth and Frances Brann, Industry; Joseph and Beverly Russell, Augusta; Debra Mason, Farmington Falls; Fred Nadeau, Livermore Falls; Steve and Gladys Russell, Farmington; Richard and Monie Russell; Karen Russell, Farmington; Sandra Wyman-Krebs, Wilton; Roger and Kathy Wells, Wilton; Eric, Judy, Camryn and Lauryn Swails, Sidney; Paul and Jane Godbout, South China; Peter, Jeanne and Megan Russell, Augusta; Ki, Darla and Frankie Tedford, Sheldon, Vt.; Norma Luke, Sheldon, Vt.; Emily Thompson, Norway; Barbara Large and Charlie Bridges, El Paso, Texas; Kendall, Joan, Kaleigh and Kelsey Brann, East Wilton; Casey Rogers, Farmington; Jennica Wyman and Reese Harris, Farmington Falls; Nathan Russell, Farmington and Joanne Page of Wilton.

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