The black and white sketch shows a man with short hair and an unusual hook-shaped scar or possible tattoo on the right side of his face.

The Waldo County Sheriff’s Office is continuing to investigate the attack and track down leads.

The man who is believed to have raped a 61-year-old woman in her Church Street home on May 7 is still at large. After the assault, the woman told police that a man she did not know had rung her doorbell that afternoon and said he had been a former tenant of the rental home. He said he had left some items on the back porch and asked if he could get them.

She let him in and started to lead him to the porch, when he assaulted her. Police said the victim may have become unconscious from the force of the attack.

“When she came to, he was gone,” Chief Deputy Jeff Trafton said in a press conference held a few days after the assault.

The woman was able to call for help and was taken to Waldo County General Hospital, where she was treated and released.

She described her attacker as a man between 35 and 45 years old and about six feet tall. He has dark hair, hazel or bluish eyes and the distinctive facial marking. He also has tattoos on the fingers of both hands, with the word “hate” possibly tattooed on his left fingers.

He was driving a blue car with a large white decal or emblem on the hood.

Anyone who has information to assist the police is asked to contact the Waldo County Sheriff’s Office at 338-2040.

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