JAY — The Memorial Day Parade lineup is ready and waiting to step off on Monday, May 28. Memorial services at different areas are also set to go.

The parade will begin at 10 a.m. with line-up slated for 9 a.m. at the MEMCO parking lot on Main Street in Jay.

The theme is to “Honor and Thank Our World War II Veterans.” All veterans are invited to step into the parade along the route.

Prior to that, veterans will gather at 6:30 a.m. at the VFW Post 3335 at Jewell Street/Route 133 in Jay including honor guard, firing squad, bugler and participants.

From there veterans will go to the Livermore Falls Memorial Bridge over the Androscoggin River at 7 a.m. for a prayer and wreath service by American Legion Post 10.

At 7:20 a.m., they will visit the Livermore Veterans Memorial on Route 4 with a prayer and wreath service conducted by AMVETS Post 33.


They will travel to Riley Road for a scheduled service at 7:45 a.m. at the Jay POW/MIA Bridge with a prayer and wreath service conducted by VFW Post 3335.

John and Gail Dube will hold a ceremony at 8:15 a.m. at Jay Hill Cemetery off Route 4 on Jay Hill.

Veterans will return to the VFW at 8:45 a.m. for a prayer and wreath service conducted by VFW members.

The parade will be led down Main Street toward Livermore Falls by police escort. The parade marshal is former U.S. Army World War II veteran Elvin “Al” Ralph Winter.

There will be color guards from the Maine Department of Corrections and American Legion Post 10, accompanied by any active military personnel who want to participate.

Commanders and presidents of veterans organization will also be marching, along with Knights of Columbus 4thDegree Honor Guard.


All area veterans are invited to participate in the parade and make the trip down Main Street on a 43-foot flatbed trailer that has rails, steps and chairs. Veterans interested are asked to be at MEMCO between 9:15 and 9:45 a.m.

Other highlights of the parade include the Spruce Mountain High School Band, firetrucks and antique vehicles and services at different monuments. There will also be organizations and other groups participating.

The speakers at the Monument in Chisholm Square in Jay will be state Rep. Paul Gilbert, D-Jay, and at the Geneva Hodgkins Memorial Park in Livermore Falls will be American Legion Past State Commander Donald Simoneau.

Services will also be conducted at Richardson Cemetery and Grand Army of Republic Monument. There will also be a wreath laying at the park at the new emergency responder monument.

Veterans will also travel to the Fayette Veterans Monument for a 12:15 p.m. prayer and wreath laying ceremony.


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