Seth Webber and

Hannah Carleton

STRONG — Michael and Bonnie Carleton of Strong are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Hannah Carleton, to Seth Webber, son of Scott and Maria Webber of New Vineyard.

Miss Carleton is a 2007 graduate of Mount Abram High School. She graduated from the University of Maine at Farmington in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She is currently substitute teaching in RSU 9 and working in administrative services for IEC Electrical and Data Services of Strong.

Mr. Webber is a 2004 graduate of Mount Blue High School. He graduated from Eastern Maine Community College in Bangor in 2005 with a certificate in pipefitting. He was employed with Cianbro as a pipefitter/pipe welder for seven years. He is currently employed as an electrical technician with IEC Electrical and Data Services of Strong.

The couple is planning a June wedding.

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