LURC forum

STRATTON — On Thursday, March 1, Greater Franklin Development Corporation in partnership with the Western Mountains Alliance will host a community forum exploring land use and the potential impacts of proposed legislation to reform the Land Use Regulation Commission. The forum will be held at the Eustis Community Building in Stratton from 6 to 8 p.m. and will feature a panel discussion with Franklin County Commissioner Clyde Barker, Saddleback General Manager Chris Farmer, Robert Carleton of Freeman Ridge Forestry and Franklin County writer and conservationist, Robert Kimber.

The Franklin County event is one of four forums in a western Maine series featuring perspectives from residential and woodlot property owners, foresters, policy experts, conservation and tourism interests. The first forums were held Feb. 27 in Bethel and Feb. 28 in The West Forks. The final forum will be held March 27 in Monson.

RSVPs are requested for planning purposes. For information, contact or 778-5887. For cancellation information in the case of inclement weather, call the Western Mountains Alliance at 778-3885.

Race is on

RANGELEY — The annual TD Bank Rangeley Loppet marathon Nordic race will take place Saturday, March 3, at the Rangeley Lakes Trails Center. The Loppet had been on hold earlier in the season but with a long-range forecast that is calling for some good snow, organizers are confident that conditions will be just fine to hold this legendary race.


The race is part of the marathon series of Nordic races sponsored by New England Nordic Ski Association. The Trails Center is looking for volunteers to help serve soup, work at the start and finish lines, as well as be out on the course at refreshment stations. Contact the staff at the yurt lodge to volunteer on Saturday, March 3, call 864-4309 or email

Sky program

RANGELEY — The Wilhelm Reich Museum will host another “Sky Program” on Monday, March 12. Because of the time change the program will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at its Conference Center on Dodge Pond Road.

The program will be held if the sky is clear for viewing the planets and stars with telescopes. If it is cloudy the program be postponed or will take place the following night depending on the weather forecast. Call 864-3443 to find out if the program is on or listen to the Rangeley Radio Station WRGY 90.5 FM.

Participants need to dress warmly, which means dress in layers, two pair of mittens, two pair of stockings, a hooded parka, insulated boots and a warm scarf. Cookies, coffee and hot chocolate will be served inside but there will not be a program inside.

Bring binoculars and lawn chairs, as the museum has a limited supply. Much can be sees in the sky with binoculars and it will give participants something to do while waiting a turn at the telescope.


The program has been created for all ages as part of the museum’s Natural Science Program and is free of charge.

Biennial seeds

FARMINGTON – How to save the seeds of biennial vegetables (including rutabagas, turnips, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beets and onions) and why it is important is the subject of a talk by Maine’s premier seed saver, Will Bonsall, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday, March 15, at the Farmington Grange Hall. It is being sponsored by the Farmington Seed Savers as part of their winter education program.

As a curator for the national Seed Savers Exchange, Bonsall has been growing and saving the seeds of biennials on his farm in Industry for more than 30 years. He is worried about the future genetic diversity of some of the lesser grown biennials, like the leeks, turnips, rutabagas and kohlrabies.

Saving rare, heirloom and native seeds has been, and is, an important part of food security. Toward that end, Bonsall will share his experience of carrying stock plants through the winter and isolating varieties for purity in the spring.

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