PARIS — Homeschoolers from the Paris Public Library, The Geo-River Kids, shared information in January on the water cycle and how it is adversely affected by what people put in the ground, air and rivers.

Among the projects created were the following:

Luca Yates demonstrated how putting chemicals and materials that should be recycled, into rivers and streams, dirties the world’s water.

Kyle Grigg constructed a digger which actually works, which he made using recycled cardboard tubes, cereal and snack boxes, and plastic covers from nut cans.

Tristyn Thorpe created fine art from an old CD to make a very detailed, symmetrical, colorful and beautiful mandala.

Kale Grover created and grew a flower garden from egg cartons, paper and wire coat hangers.

During February, Paris Public Library’s Homeschoolers have been focusing on American rivers. Meeting are on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. The next meeting will be on Feb. 28. For further information, contact Billie Lou Damon, librarian, at 743-6994.

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