LIVERMORE FALLS — Thirty-four members were present for the meeting on Feb. 6 for the Jay Livermore Falls Seniors at Murray Hall with Shirley Couture presiding. Janet Wright is reported on the sick list after a accident, but is home recuperating.

George Doiron sang “Tell the People I Love Them” and “I Wish You Love” for the group. The secretary’s report was read and accepted, as was the treasurer’s report.

Next Monday the group will celebrate Valentine’s Day with a luncheon at noon. Finger food will be the meal and everyone is encouraged to bring something. Nancy Couture will be making the dessert of Valentine cupcakes for everyone.

A Chinese auction will be held on Feb. 20.

Carmen Moreau won the 50/50 and Marilyn DeSoto won a door prize donated by Nancy Couture.

Following the meeting refreshments brought by Ellie Mitchell, Jean Luciano, Marguerite Slovak and Blanche Bilodeau were enjoyed by all.

The group then enjoyed beano, card games and regular games.

Anyone living in the area who is 55 or over is welcome to come join. The group meets everyone Monday at 1 p.m., except when there is a luncheon meeting, which is served at noon.

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