LIVERMORE FALLS — On Jan. 9 the Jay-Livermore Falls Seniors resumed their regular Monday meetings at Murray Hall at 1 p.m., with 31 members present. Chairwoman Shirley Couture opened the meeting with a prayer, salute to the flag and a moment of silence for departed members and for men and women serving in the armed forces.

Treasurer Marilyn DeSoto was welcomed back at her position after being absent for a couple months.

The secretary’s and treasurer’s reports were read and accepted as read.

A thank-you card was received from the Tri-Ministerial Food Cupboard for a gift, as well as a note from the family of Maurice Fuller for sympathies from the group. The Alzheimer Association sent a thank-you note for a gift in memory of Maurice Fuller.

Shirley read a note received from Electricity of Maine for a meeting to be held at the Jay Town Office at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 24, to hear how residents could save on their monthly electric bills. If unable to attend the meeting anyone may call 1-866-573-2674 to get more information.

The 50/50 was won by Gail Laverdiere, and three door prizes were won by Marilyn DeSoto, Nancy Couture and Gene Pomerleau.

At the Jan. 16 meeting the refreshments will be served by Carmen Moreau, Marielle Labbe and Doris Tripp. A Chinese auction will be held following the meeting next week.

Everyone enjoyed cards and games after enjoying refreshments brought by Athanase Couture, Pat Couture and Lorette Chabot.

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