100 years ago, 1912

Mrs. Harriet Blaine Beale, Walker Blaine Beale and Misses Alice, Gretchen, Polly and Annita Damrosch left Augusta Monday afternoon for New York. The Blaine mansion, which has been open since early November, will now be closed and will probably remain so until summer.

50 years ago, 1962

Twin City radio station WLAM received nine letters from listeners in the past week — but they all came from Scandinavia.

One letter came from Norway, the other eight from Sweden.

WLAM’s 5000 watt signal is beamed north and east from Lewiston. Every winter, General Manager F. Parker Hoy reported, the station gets a few letters from hobbyists who listen to distance stations, then write the station for confirmation.

Earlier in 1961, Hoy said he received similar letters from Ireland, England and New Zealand.

25 years ago, 1987

Residents of the Lewiston-Auburn area battled brisk winds, slippery roads and poor visibility when a Northeaster tore through Maine Friday, leaving behind at least a foot of snow.

Hundreds of events were cancelled and businesses closed early Friday afternoon as predictions of up to 20 inches of snow continued. At 8 p.m., the Union Water power gate house in Lewiston was reporting more than nine inches of snow, and the National Weather Service estimated that at least another four to five inches would accumulate by morning.

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