LEWISTON — Robin Dow Senior Citizens will meet at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 9, for the annual Thanksgiving celebration, a buffet luncheon at Marco’s Restaurant, 12 Mollison Way. Musical entertainment will be provided by Sandy Nesbit.

There will be no meetings in November and December because of the holidays.

Forty-seven members were present when the group met Oct. 26 under the direction of President Helen McGuire. It was reported that George Herrick Sr. is still a patient at d’Youville Pavilion and will remain there for further treatment. Cards would be appreciated.

McGuire advised those members still requiring reservations for the Robin Dow Seniors Christmas dinner party at the Ramada on Dec. 14 should contact either Joyce Poole at 784-3429 or Helen McGuire at 784-7779. The reservations will not be available after Thursday, Dec. 1.

Those having birthdays for October were acknowledged. Attendance prize winners were Tony Darling and Irene Fraser; pot of gold, Nancy Dupuis, Irene Fraser and Pat Donohue; and mystery prizes, Callie Adams, Midge Demers and Mary Ray.

Following the meeting, a Halloween luncheon was prepared and served under the direction of Lucien Marcoux and his volunteer crew. Evelyn Sawin won the prize for the most original Halloween costume.

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