Our family has lived in Poland for the past 16 years. When we moved here our son was almost a year old, and we were expecting our daughter within a few months. Our main concern, when searching for a home, was education.

My husband and I placed the highest priority on the school system our children would be attending throughout their young lives. After researching several other areas, we made the decision to settle in the town of Poland.

RSU 16 residents will be voting to accept or reject the fourth school budget proposal on Nov. 8. A small increase to taxpayers in Minot and Poland, and decrease in Mechanic Falls will not only allow class size to remain as is, this proposed budget also moves us toward equalizing the tax burden between the three towns, and equalizing pay for teachers.

These are necessary obligations as a school union.

There were 107 registered voters at the district meeting, and I witnessed overwhelming support for every single article presented that night. The next step is to vote on Nov. 8.

Residents of RSU16 cannot afford the negative effects of another rejected proposal, such as a reduction in program offerings, reduced bus transportation, and increased class sizes. Think of the negative implications for these three towns – including lowered property values.

Supporters of education are urged to get to the polls on Nov. 8.

Thirteen additional yes votes passed this same budget last time.

Colleen Verreault, Poland

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