JAY — The Daughters of Isabella Circle #677 gathered for their May business meeting May 11.

Regent Laurie Gagnepain called the meeting to order at 6:30. Chancellor Laurieanne Castonguay led the group in the recitation of the rosary. Recording secretary Louise Chandler read the minutes from the April meeting. Louise then read thank-you cards she received from Tri-Town fuel chairperson Jean Gilbert, Sandy Chassie and Butch Arnold Borthwick. Gagnepain read a letter of resignation from Fren Diorion for health reasons. She then read a letter she received from International. There were no applications for new memberships.

Scribe Kim Couture read what she had written and put in the local newspapers. Rita Crowley spoke about the carnations that were sold after mass on Mothers Day at St. Rose and at St. Joseph’s in Farmington. Gagnepain handed out crosses after confirmation at St. Joseph’s.

Rita Crowley spoke about the Baccalaureate and snacks are needed for after the celebration; Livermore Falls will be held on Friday, June 3, and Jay will be held on Tuesday, June 7. This will take place at the St. Rose Parish hall.

It was mentioned that there are no meetings or socials in July or August.  Gagnepain asked everyone to start thinking about ideas for prizes for the big raffle. Regent talked about the Mock Babyshower that will be held at the June Social on Wednesday, June 22. Items must be new, can be used but clean, no wrapping is needed.

On Tuesday, May 24, the Daughters will be gathering at 1 p.m. at Holy Cross Cemetery in Livermore Falls to do flower planting and cleaning up. Anyone wishing to help can bring their tools and bottled water to drink. Denise Rodzen spoke about the summer outing and asking everyone to think about where they would like to have it this summer. The meeting came to a close at 7:45.

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