LEWISTON — The Lewiston CareerCenter, 5 Mollison Way, continues its monthly programming, including workshops for job seekers and those who are considering training to upgrade their skills to increase employability. Workshops are held at the CareerCenter unless otherwise noted.

Career Decision Making: This is a two-part workshop. On Monday, attendees discuss tools used to help make career decisions. On the second day, the information gained will be used to make career plans. Registration required. Offered May 10 and 13, or May 17 and 20, 9 a.m. to noon.

Industry Information Tuesday: Learn about the composites industry. A panel of experts followed by a group discussion will allow participants the opportunity to learn, and ask questions about jobs, training and skills needed. Registration required. Offered May 17, 9-11 a.m.

Gateway to Employment: Workshop gives an overview of basic information on resumes, interviews and job search skills as well as CareerCenter and community services that are available for job searches. Registration required. Offered every Thursday, 1-4 p.m.

Job Search Tips for People with a Criminal History: Do you have a criminal background? Are you having trouble finding work? Looking for tips on how to respond to those hard to answer questions? This workshop will help those attending become a successful job seeker. Registration required. Offered May 6, 9-10 a.m.

Job Search Skills: Facilitated by a CareerCenter staff person, this workshop is offered at the Auburn Public Library and Central Maine Community College and will help participants conduct an effective job search. Learn how employers advertise and hire and methods that can be used in a job search that will lead to success. Offered at Central Maine Community College on May 19 in Jalbert Hall, room 15, from 1-3 p.m. Call 755-5239 to register. Offered at the Auburn Public Library on May 23, from 2-4 p.m. Call 333-6640 to register.


Resume Basics and Interview Skills: Explore the basics of resumes and applications and learn how to make a resume and interview stand out in a positive way. Learn to market yourself in a way that directly matches employer needs. “Tough” interview questions will be discussed so that you can answer them with confidence. Offered at the CareerCenter on May 12, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call 753-9005 to register. Offered at Central Maine Community College, Jalbert Hall, room 15, on May 24 from noon-2 p.m. Call 755-5239 to register. Offered at the Auburn Public Library on May 25 from 2-4 p.m. Call 333-6640 to register.

Greater L/A Unemployed Professionals Group: Meets every Monday from 1-4 p.m. Group discussions cover professional development and job search strategies.

CareerCenter Training Orientation: An overview of training programs at the CareerCenter, eligibility requirements and information on accessing services. FMI: Contact CareerCenter staff for the schedule of meetings and to register (required).

Essentials of College Planning for Adults: Learn about college and trade schools, entrance requirements, readiness and transitional issues of adult students, admissions procedures and financial aid. Review a typical admissions application, request admissions materials and financial aid information from prospective colleges. Attendees will complete the financial aid form. Bring last year’s income tax forms. Register by calling 800-281-3703.

Adult education information: A representative of local adult education programs will be available to explore options for those interested in improving their job skills through adult ed classes. Available May 4 or 11 or 18 or 25, from 10:15-11 a.m.

All CareerCenter services are free of charge. Call 753-9005 or 877-796-9833 for additional information and to register for workshops held at the CareerCenter.

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